Letter from Mayor Bernstein & The Allendale Borough Council regarding the passing of the Allendale Water System Sale to SUEZ referendum

Allendale Seal

Both the Water Committee and the Mayor & Council are pleased that the overwhelming majority of Allendale voters agreed with our confidence that SUEZ will be the best steward of our water system in the future.  Today’s challenges with PFAS contamination and emerging contaminants, along with future regulations, will be managed by a company whose main focus and expertise is water. This is a benefit to all Allendale residents.

There were many reasons for our support of this sale, the main ones being:

  1. SUEZ’s TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE - SUEZ has a full team of experts with the experience to manage and improve the system today and, more importantly, SUEZ has the expertise to understand and plan for tomorrow’s emerging contaminants and regulations.
  2. SUEZ’s COMMITMENT TO INFRASTRUCTURE - SUEZ has committed to tens of millions of dollars worth of improvements, the most essential of which is the building of a PFAS treatment plant, estimated to cost $7 million, which SUEZ will manage integrating into our present distribution system. SUEZ has also committed to many other upgrades to make our aging system run more efficiently.
  3. THE POSITIVE ECONOMICS - The proposed rate plan from SUEZ has substantially lower rate increases than Allendale would require over the next 5 years for the same investment.  The $18 million cash offer is financially beneficial to all Allendale residents and, by statute, will be used to pay off all current municipal debt. The additional monies will be budgeted through the standard budgeting process.

The Purchase Agreement executing the sale still requires approval by the Board of Public Utilities (BPU). We are hopeful for the closing of the sale to occur in May/June 2022, at which time SUEZ will take ownership of the system.  Until that time, Allendale and SUEZ will continue to work together implementing temporary PFAS treatment at our New Street facility and our currently closed West Crescent well.

Should residents have any questions please reach out to lizhoman@allendalenj.gov

Thank you – Mayor Bernstein & The Allendale Borough Council